
Due to The Children’s Inn construction project, we are temporarily pausing recruitment of individual on-site volunteers due to building capacity limitations and parking restrictions.  We appreciate your patience as we navigate this large-scale project.  We are so grateful for your support and interest.  Without the hard work and selflessness of our community volunteers, The Inn could not fulfill its mission and serve over 1,500 families that stay with us each year.  In the meantime, if you would like to get involved with The Inn in other ways, please review these opportunities:

Teen Ambassadors

This program offers passionate middle and high school students the opportunity to support The Inn’s mission. Students engage in philanthropic efforts, learn about nonprofit management, and engage in activities at The Inn. Learn more here.

photo of several teens lining the railing and waving

Family Meals Program

Volunteers may contract with a local restaurant or catering company, organize food items off-site, and arrange meal delivery to The Inn. Groups then gather to serve dinner in The Inn’s kitchen. These meals provide an opportunity for families to share companionship. Learn more here.

Volunteers serving dinner to residents

Additional Information

We understand that you’re busy and may not be able to make a long-term commitment right now. That’s why we offer several short-term “micro” volunteer options to individuals who want to help The Inn on a more temporary basis.

For our on-site volunteer positions, the minimum age requirement is 18 years old, a weekly or bi-weekly 2 to 4-hour shift, scheduled on a regular day and time, for a minimum service commitment of one year. Some examples of our long-term volunteer opportunities are:

Welcome Desk
Volunteers are our registration and concierge desk all in one. They answer phones, take reservations, check families in and out of their rooms, orient new families to The Inn, and answer questions about everything from airport transportation to visits to the zoo.

Kitchen Assistant
Volunteers maintain three well-organized and stocked kitchens and pantries for our families. This position involves sorting and organizing kitchen supplies in all cabinets, drawers, and pantries.

Educational Tutor
Engage families in education programs offered at The Inn through activities, study halls, and one-on-one tutoring.

Facilities Assistant
Day-to-day tasks vary greatly, though they often include light maintenance-related projects such as changing overhead light bulbs, fixing broken furniture, and tending to interior and exterior building maintenance.

Administrative Support
Assist staff in a wide range of administrative functions and general office duties including data entry, filing, copying, mailings, phone calls, and more.

Skill-based or Pro-bono Services
If you have a special talent such as photography, art, videography, IT, graphic design, cooking, gardening, fundraising, writing, etc., we might have a job for you!

For additional information regarding our volunteer program, please email Meghan Arbegast or call 301-827-6054.