Thank you for your interest in sharing our story. We are always happy to assist journalists, independent storytellers, and media outlets. Feel free to send us a note for further inquiries.
Fern Stone, Chief of Development and Communications, 240-988-4259
Liz Gouldman, Director of Marketing and Communications, 301-529-9155
Sam Angell, Communications and Media Relations Manager, 267-226-9309
Visitors to The Children’s Inn must check in at the front desk and be accompanied by a member of The Inn’s communications team to visit The Inn and its premises, conduct interviews, take photographs or video footage, or do audio recordings. Every person photographed/filmed/interviewed must provide prior written consent to The Children’s Inn staff. Please note that being granted access to The Children’s Inn does not grant permission to access other areas of the NIH campus, its staff, or patients but must be scheduled with NIH and/or NIH Clinical Center communications teams.
How to access the NIH campus
All visitors must enter either through the NIH Visitors Gate or the NIH Commercial Entrance, both located on Rockville Pike. If you are bringing camera equipment, entering via the commercial entrance is the best way to go through NIH security. With ample advance notice, Children’s Inn staff may be able to make easier arrangements for you to enter campus. Please follow these instructions closely to make sure you bring proper identification and do not accidentally carry items in your car that are not permitted on campus. Before you arrive, Children’s Inn staff may discuss additional safety precautions with you to help protect the health of our vulnerable NIH pediatric patients.
Parking at The Children’s Inn
Visitors to The Children’s Inn may park for free in our parking lot. When making arrangements to visit, please provide The Children’s Inn with your car brand, color and model, and your license plate number. Once you arrive, you will receive a hang tag parking permission.