Uber’s Week of Service Kicks Off at The Children’s Inn

On Monday, a group of Uber employees volunteered at The Children’s Inn as part of their #UberintheCommunity volunteer program. The group spent the morning assembling 40 bagged lunches for our residents. Uber is helping with our Access to Food lunch program we recently launched. The goal of the program is to provide lunch for families who might not have the time to make lunch in between their child’s appointments at the NIH Clinical Center. Thanks to our friends at Uber and other local businesses, free lunch is now available to our residents in the Bistro Monday through Wednesday from 12 – 2 p.m.

If your business or organization is interested in making lunches for our Access to Food program, either at your office or at The Inn, please contact Meghan Arbegast at [email protected] or 301-827-6054.