Easter Bunny Brings Joy and Commemorative White House Easter Eggs to Children’s Inn
The Easter Bunny has been on a special mission to bring joy to children and young people participating in clinical research trials at the NIH, and their families, during the coronavirus crisis. Not only did the revered bunny bring goody-filled baskets to every Inn resident but he also made fun-filled egg hunts possible, delivered candy and commemorative Easter eggs with special greetings directly from the White House.

Inn resident Uggi shows off his basket of eggs.
In line with physical distancing requirements, egg hunts for young children at The Inn were staggered, so hiding spots could be cleaned and sanitized between hunts. Despite the added safety measures, children and parents beamed behind their face masks and their eyes lit up with joy as they spotted colorful eggs and piled them up in their baskets.

Siblings Amri and Hava pose with their egg baskets.
“This Easter was different from any other Easter at The Inn, but our children still got to experience all the fun and excitement of hunting for Easter eggs, and our young adults and families loved the Easter baskets filled with sweet treats, gift cards and more,” says Javin Smith, program operations manager, The Children’s Inn. “We so appreciate our supporters who helped make this holiday a special one for seriously ill children during the coronavirus outbreak!”
As a special treat, every child and family at The Inn on Easter received a wooden, commemorative 2020 White House Easter Egg donated by first lady Melania Trump to The Children’s Inn, the NIH and others working on the front line of health care. Read an Associated Press story about the donation.

Inn resident Danielle with her egg basket in front of our Thoughtful Treasures mailboxes.
Children’s Inn staff also have been making sure families staying at The Inn have everything they need to celebrate other holidays, including Passover.