Annual Report FY23 Our Impact Annual Report FY23 Our Impact

Our Impact

July 2022 – June 2023

Where the power of childhood meets the power of research.

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Annual Report FY23 Our Impact Noah

At The Inn, you’re always greeted by smiling faces. Everyone at The Inn is dealing with something, and you don’t feel different. You are not stared at. Adults and children see you for you, not your illness. They are trying to get to know you, not your disease. That’s an amazing feeling. For my mom, The Inn also showed her that she wasn’t alone as a caretaker. 

Thanks to the NIH’s Undiagnosed Diseases Program, my case is being studied by doctors around the world, and I hope that one day, there’ll be someone who can help me get a diagnosis –or that my case can at least help other children like me get a diagnosis and a treatment that works.”

Noah, has been coming to The Inn since 2001
Annual Report FY23 Our Impact
Annual Report FY23 Our Impact