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Runners To Dine With Families Who Benefit From NIH Charity Race
The Children's Inn at NIH is hosting a pasta party Friday for the inn's charity team of runners in this weekend's Marine Corps Marathon.

BETHESDA-CHEVY CHASE, MD - From The Children's Inn: The Children's Inn at NIH is hosting its 4th annual Marine Corps Marathon & 10K team Pasta Party on Friday, Oct. 26, to kick of this MCM weekend!
The Inn’s charity team comprises 36 10K and 12 marathon runners, and has raised more than $30,000 for The Inn to provide free lodging and support to families of seriously ill children whose last and only hope is a clinical trial at NIH.
The pasta party celebrates our runners, and introduces them to The Inn and the families they are supporting.
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The Children’s Inn at NIH is a private nonprofit with the mission to provide “A Place Like Home” at no charge for families of children participating in pediatric research at the Clinical Center of the world-renowned National Institutes of Health. As a partner in discovery and care with the NIH, The Inn provides children with a space to play, relax and for childhood to thrive despite illness. Since opening in 1990, more than 13,000 families from all 50 states and 94 countries have found a second home at The Inn, advancing medical discoveries and improving the health of people all over the world. For more information about The Children’s Inn at NIH, please visit or call 301-451-7892.
Editor's note: This article has been modified; the event is not open to the public.
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